Monday, March 24, 2008

Informed Consent

Informed Consent
by Sandra Glahn
David C. Cook
4050 Lee Vance View
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
©2007 342pp Soft Cover
If you only read one book about medical research, mistakes, the AIDS virus, and ethical dilemmas this year it should be Informed Consent. Why the reader might ask? You should read it because I am reviewing it is my reply. But there is more to the novel than that. Based on an extensive look at the back cover I have determined that this is a book by a Christian author that may not have every other line be, “What would Jesus do?” Now there is nothing wrong with being deeply religious or taking the law of God into account in all of your major decisions but in novel form it does get repetitive.
With this in mind, Sandra Glahn’s Informed Consent was sent to a Christian magazine to review, and the author teaches at a theological seminary, yet the entire back cover is not one long sentence about faith and Jesus. Let us look at literature as a hamburger. Christianity is the bun. Without the bun the burger loses much of its appeal and becomes a mess. Yet attempting to shove a baguette down someone’s throat will choke the eater. Mrs. Glahn appears to have produced a burger for us to enjoy. Take a bite and see if you like it. For those of you out there wondering why I have not described the plot, it is a medical drama so you probably already know the plot. That does not mean the book will not be awesome. Have faith in Jesus and the great burger of literature.

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