Monday, February 25, 2008

Ephesians: An Ironside Expository Commentary

Ephesians: An Ironside Expository Commentary
H. A. Ironside
Kregel Publications
PO BOX 2607
Grand Rapids, MI 49501
© 1920, 2007 191pp Hard Cover
Another in Ironside’s series of commentaries on books of the Bible, Ephesians serves to enlighten serious Christian readers on some of the aspects of that particular letter which they might have missed.
Like his book Romans and Galatians Ironside publishes his lectures on the subjects so that even those who did not attend his classes, or were not even born yet, could understand and appreciate his analysis of Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians.
Unlike his book Romans and Galatians Ironside does not subdivide Ephesians. This time there are 26 lectures laid out in order to help the reader understand Ephesians, or at least to understand what Ironside thought of Ephesians. It must always be remembered that commentaries are not the word of God but they do discuss it and help readers to attain a greater understanding of it. Without being able to understand the Bible the full use of its teachings would be unattainable. In other words without commentaries such as Ironside’s the Bible would be relegated to the world of academic nonsense even more than it already is. Remember your college courses and shudder at the implications.
The back cover of the book reveals some information about the author. Ironside began teaching Sunday school at age 11 and quickly realized that being a believer would help his teaching. Ironside actually converted to Christianity at age 13 and spent over 50 years as a minister, professor, and author.

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