Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Damsels in Distress

Damsels in Distress: Biblical Solutions for Problems Women Face
by Martha Peace
P&R Publishing Company
PO BOX 817
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
©2006 187pp Soft Cover
A Damsel in Distress makes for a weak but popular form of alliteration. Typically used in conjunction with film and literary sources, Martha Peace instead uses it to reference real world problems that modern Christian women face. Peace’s book looks at how gals interact with each other, their families, and their internal struggles.
The book is divided into four sections and these sections subdivided into chapters. These chapters have interesting titles such as, Well isn’t it Ok if my mother told me?: Gossip and Slander. This writing style avoids dancing around the problems it seeks to address. It is as though Mrs. Peace is declaring war on politeness to get to the point.
Unlike many modern books on women, Peace’s seeks to use Biblical references and examples to help the modern Christian woman find her place in society. That place being obeying God the same way men are supposed to. In other words, to any male readers out there who are hoping for a synopsis on Buster Keaton movies and their effects on modern film you will be disappointed. This book was written by a woman for other women to read so it will probably bore men to tears. On the other hand if you have a woman in your life who is a little odd, this might be the book for her, next to the Bible of course. She will need that one as well to get the biblical references.

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